Pre-Owned Machines

The Shree Manjunath pre-owned machines division is supported by a network of associates from all over the world having their own warehouses and qualified technical personnel for selecting quality machines after which the data is updated into the system every week.

Unlike other resellers of used machines, where machines are brought in bulk or rather dumped into India, and are eventually sold mostly on ‘as is where is basis’  we actually hand hold our customers through every stage and ensure that the machine is ‘under power’ before signing off.

The prices we quote are CIF Customer’s Warehouse so there are no hidden costs, the duties, clearing, local transportation are all included in the price thus ensuring that the customer does not have to pay anything extra.

All the accessories and tooling along with the machine is supplied to the customer as a package, neither are the tooling stripped from the machine nor are there any additional costs for used tools which have been loaded onto the machine. Local dealers on the other hand strip the entire machine of their original tooling and sell them separately.

The Shree  Manjunath AMC  package offers only genuine parts if and when they need to be replaced, which are on extremely rare cases because the original parts of the machines are never tampered with or replaced by duplicate parts either in transit or after landing.

Category: Product ID: 3074